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<Descriptor index
^ContentsLast updated: Tue, 29 Aug 2006

Appendix H. Index


  • :active, 2, 3
  • :after, 1, 2
  • :before, 1, 2, 3
  • :first, 1
  • :first-child, 1
  • :first-letter, 1
  • :first-line, 1
  • :focus, 1
  • :hover, 1
  • :lang, 1
  • :left, 1
  • :link, 1, 2
  • :right, 1
  • :visited, 1, 2
  • =, 1
  • ~=, 1
  • |=, 1


  • @charset, 1
  • @font-face, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7
  • @import, 1, 2, 3
  • @media, 1, 2, 3, 4
  • @page, 1


  • absolute length, 1
  • <absolute-size>
    • definition of, 1
  • absolutely positioned element, 1
  • abstract glyph, 1
  • active (pseudo-class), 1, 2
  • actual value, 1
  • after, 1
  • 'all' media group, 1
  • ancestor, 1
  • <angle>, 1, 2
    • definition of, 1
  • anonymous, 1
  • anonymous inline boxes, 1
  • armenian, 1
  • 'ascent' (descriptor), 1
  • aspect value, 1
  • at-rule, 1
  • at-rules, 1, 2
  • attr(), 1
  • attribute, 1
  • auditory icon, 1
  • 'aural' media group, 1
  • authoring tool, 1
  • automatic numbering, 1
  • 'azimuth', 1


  • 'background', 1
  • 'background-attachment', 1
  • 'background-color', 1
  • 'background-image', 1
  • 'background-position', 1
  • 'background-repeat', 1
  • backslash escapes, 1
  • 'baseline' (descriptor), 1
  • 'bbox' (descriptor), 1
  • before, 1
  • bicameral, 1
    • definition of, 1
  • bidirectionality (bidi), 1
  • 'bitmap' media group, 1
  • block, 1
  • block box, 1
  • 'block', definition of, 1
  • block-level element, 1
  • border edge, 1
  • 'border', 1
  • 'border-bottom', 1
  • 'border-bottom-color', 1
  • 'border-bottom-style', 1
  • 'border-bottom-width', 1
  • 'border-collapse', 1
  • 'border-color', 1
  • 'border-left', 1
  • 'border-left-color', 1
  • 'border-left-style', 1
  • 'border-left-width', 1
  • 'border-right', 1
  • 'border-right-color', 1
  • 'border-right-style', 1
  • 'border-right-width', 1
  • 'border-spacing', 1
  • <border-style>, 1
  • <border-style>, definition of, 1
  • 'border-style', 1
  • 'border-top', 1
  • 'border-top-color', 1
  • 'border-top-style', 1
  • 'border-top-width', 1
  • <border-width>
    • definition of, 1
  • 'border-width', 1
  • border
    • of a box, 1
  • <bottom>
    • definition of, 1
  • 'bottom', 1
  • box
    • border, 1
    • content, 1
    • content height, 1
    • content width, 1
    • height, 1
    • margin, 1
    • overflow, 1
    • padding, 1
    • width, 1


  • canvas, 1, 2
  • 'cap-height' (descriptor), 1
  • 'caption-side', 1
  • cascade, 1
  • case sensitivity, 1
  • 'centerline' (descriptor), 1
  • character, 1
  • character encoding, 1
    • default, 1
    • user agent's determination of, 1
  • child, 1
  • child selector, 1
  • circle, 1
  • cjk-ideographic, 1
  • 'clear', 1
  • 'clip', 1
  • clipping region, 1
  • close-quote, 1, 2
  • collapsing margin, 1
  • color, 1
  • <color>, 1, 2
    • definition of, 1
  • 'color', 1
  • combinator, 1, 2
  • comments, 1
  • compact, 1
  • compact box, 1
  • 'compact', definition of, 1
  • computed value, 1
  • conditional import, 1
  • conformance, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8
  • containing block, 1, 2, 3
    • initial, 1
  • content, 1
  • content edge, 1
  • 'content', 1
  • content
    • of a box, 1
    • rendered, 1
  • 'continuous' media group, 1
  • <counter>, 1
  • <counter>, definition of, 1
  • counter(), 1
  • 'counter-increment', 1
  • 'counter-reset', 1
  • counters, 1
  • crop marks, 1
  • cross marks, 1
  • 'cue', 1
  • 'cue-after', 1
  • 'cue-before', 1
  • cursive, definition of, 1
  • 'cursor', 1


  • 'dashed', 1, 2
  • decimal, 1
  • decimal-leading-zero, 1
  • declaration, 1
  • declaration-block, 1
  • default style sheet, 1
  • default
    • character encoding, 1
  • 'definition-src' (descriptor), 1
  • descendant, 1
  • descendant-selectors, 1
  • 'descent' (descriptor), 1
  • 'direction', 1
  • disc, 1
  • 'display', 1
  • document language, 1
  • document tree, 1
  • 'dotted', 1, 2
  • 'double', 1, 2
  • drop caps, 1
  • DTD, 1, 2


  • element, 1
    • following, 1
    • preceding, 1
  • 'elevation', 1
  • em (unit), 1
  • em square, 1, 2
  • empty, 1
  • 'empty-cells', 1
  • encoding vector, 1
  • ex (unit), 1
  • exact matching, 1


  • <family-name>
    • definition of, 1
  • fantasy, definition of, 1
  • fictional tag sequence, 1, 2, 3
  • first-child, 1
  • first-letter, 1
  • first-line, 1
  • float rules, 1
  • 'float', 1
  • focus, 1
  • focus (pseudo-class), 1
  • following element, 1
  • font, 1
  • font data, 1
  • font definition resource, 1
  • font description, 1
  • font download, 1
  • font encoding table, 1
  • font family, 1
  • font set, 1
  • font synthesis, 1
  • 'font', 1
  • <font-description>
    • definition of, 1
  • <font-face-name>
    • definition of, 1
  • 'font-family', 1
  • 'font-family' (descriptor), 1
  • 'font-size', 1
  • 'font-size' (descriptor), 1
  • 'font-size-adjust', 1
  • 'font-stretch', 1
  • 'font-stretch' (descriptor), 1
  • 'font-style', 1
  • 'font-style' (descriptor), 1
  • 'font-variant', 1
  • 'font-variant' (descriptor), 1
  • 'font-weight', 1
  • 'font-weight' (descriptor), 1
  • forced line break, 1
  • formatting context, 1
  • formatting structure, 1
  • forward-compatible parsing, 1
  • <frequency>, 1
    • definition of, 1
  • full font name, 1


  • generated content, 1
  • <generic-family>
    • definition of, 1
  • <generic-voice>, definition of, 1
  • georgian, 1
  • glyph, 1
  • 'grid' media group, 1
  • 'groove', 1, 2


  • half-leading, 1
  • hebrew, 1
  • 'height', 1
  • 'hidden, 1
  • 'hidden', 1
  • hiragana, 1
  • hiragana-iroha, 1
  • horizontal margin, 1
  • hover (pseudo-class), 1
  • hyphen-separated matching, 1


  • identifier, 1
  • identifier, definition of, 1
  • ignore, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27
  • illegal, 1
  • important, 1
  • inherit, definition of, 1
  • initial caps, 1
  • initial containing block, 1
  • initial value, 1
  • 'inline', definition of, 1
  • inline-level element, 1
  • inline-table, 1
  • 'inline-table', 1
  • inner edge, 1
  • 'inset', 1, 2
  • <integer>, 1
    • definition of, 1
  • intelligent font matching, 1
  • 'interactive media group, 1
  • internal table element, 1
  • intrinsic dimensions, 1
  • invert, 1
  • iso-10646, 1
  • Italic, definition of, 1


  • katakana, 1
  • katakana-iroha, 1


  • lang (pseudo-class), 1
  • language (human), 1
  • language code, 1, 2
  • leading, 1
  • <left>
    • definition of, 1
  • 'left', 1
  • <length>, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14
    • definition of, 1
  • 'letter-spacing', 1
  • ligatures, 1
  • line box, 1
  • line-box, 1
  • 'line-height', 1
  • link (pseudo-class), 1, 2
  • list properties, 1
  • 'list-item', definition of, 1
  • 'list-style', 1
  • 'list-style-image', 1
  • 'list-style-position', 1
  • 'list-style-type', 1
  • LL(1), 1
  • local stacking context, 1
  • lower-greek, 1
  • lower-latin, 1
  • lower-roman, 1


  • mapping elements to table parts, 1
  • margin edge, 1
  • 'margin', 1
  • 'margin-bottom', 1
  • 'margin-left', 1
  • 'margin-right', 1
  • 'margin-top', 1
  • <margin-width>
    • definition of, 1
  • margin
    • horizontal, 1
    • of a box, 1
    • vertical, 1
  • marker', definition of, 1
  • 'marker-offset', 1
  • markers, 1
  • 'marks', 1
  • match, 1
  • 'mathline' (descriptor), 1
  • 'max-height', 1
  • 'max-width', 1
  • MAY, 1
  • media, 1
  • media group, 1
  • media type, 1
  • media-dependent import, 1
  • message entity, 1
  • 'min-height', 1
  • 'min-width', 1
  • monospace, definition of, 1
  • multiple declarations, 1
  • MUST, 1
  • MUST NOT, 1


  • name matching, 1
  • newline, 1
  • no-close-quote, 1, 2
  • no-open-quote, 1, 2
  • 'none'
    • as border style, 1, 2
    • as display value, 1
  • <number>, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12
    • definition of, 1


  • open-quote, 1, 2
  • 'orphans', 1
  • outer edge, 1
  • outline, 1
  • 'outline', 1
  • 'outline-color', 1
  • 'outline-style', 1
  • 'outline-width', 1
  • 'outset', 1, 2
  • overflow, 1
  • 'overflow', 1


  • padding edge, 1
  • 'padding', 1
  • 'padding-bottom', 1
  • 'padding-left', 1
  • 'padding-right', 1
  • 'padding-top', 1
  • <padding-width>
    • definition of, 1
  • padding
    • of a box, 1
  • page area, 1
  • page box, 1
  • page model, 1
  • page selector, 1
  • 'page', 1
  • 'page-break-after', 1
  • 'page-break-before', 1
  • 'page-break-inside', 1
  • page-context, 1
  • 'paged' media group, 1
  • Panose-1, 1
  • panose-1, 1
  • 'panose-1' (descriptor), 1
  • parent, 1
  • 'pause', 1
  • 'pause-after', 1
  • 'pause-before', 1
  • <percentage>, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12
    • definition of, 1
  • 'pitch', 1
  • 'pitch-range', 1
  • pixel, 1
  • 'play-during', 1
  • 'position', 1
  • positioned element/box, 1
  • positioning scheme, 1
  • preceding element, 1
  • principal block box, 1
  • progressive rendering, 1
  • property, 1
  • pseudo-class
    • :first, 1
    • :left, 1
    • :right, 1
  • pseudo-classes, 1
    • :active, 1, 2
    • :focus, 1
    • :hover, 1
    • :lang, 1
    • :link, 1, 2
    • :visited, 1, 2
  • pseudo-elements, 1
    • :after, 1, 2
    • :before, 1, 2
    • :first-letter, 1
    • :first-line, 1, 2


  • quad width, 1
  • 'quotes', 1


  • reference pixel, 1
  • relative positioning, 1
  • relative units, 1
  • <relative-size>
    • definition of, 1
  • rendered content, 1
  • replaced element, 1
  • Resource Identifier (URI), 1
  • 'richness', 1
  • 'ridge', 1, 2
  • <right>
    • definition of, 1
  • 'right', 1
  • root, 1
  • root stacking context, 1
  • rule sets, 1
  • run-in, 1
  • run-in box, 1
  • 'run-in', definition of, 1


  • sans-serif, definition of, 1
  • scope, 1
  • screen reader, 1
  • selector, 1, 2, 3, 4
    • match, 1
    • subject of, 1
  • separated borders, 1
  • serif, definition of, 1
  • SHALL, 1
  • SHALL NOT, 1
  • <shape>
    • definition of, 1
  • sheet, 1
  • shorthand property, 1, 2, 3
  • SHOULD, 1
  • sibling, 1
  • simple selector, 1
  • 'size', 1
  • 'slope' (descriptor), 1
  • 'solid', 1, 2
  • source document, 1
  • space-separated matching, 1
  • 'speak', 1
  • 'speak-header', 1
  • 'speak-numeral', 1
  • 'speak-punctuation', 1
  • <specific-voice>
    • definition of, 1
  • specified value, 1
  • 'speech-rate', 1
  • square, 1
  • 'src' (descriptor), 1
  • stack level, 1
  • stacking context, 1
  • statements, 1
  • 'static' media group, 1
  • 'stemh' (descriptor), 1
  • 'stemv' (descriptor), 1
  • 'stress', 1
  • string, 1
  • <string>, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5
  • <string>, definition of, 1
  • style sheet, 1
  • subject (of selector), 1
  • system fonts, 1


  • table, 1
  • table element, 1
    • internal, 1
  • 'table', 1
  • table-caption, 1
  • 'table-caption', 1
  • table-cell, 1
  • 'table-cell', 1
  • table-column, 1
  • 'table-column', 1
  • table-column-group, 1
  • 'table-column-group', 1
  • table-footer-group, 1
  • 'table-footer-group', 1
  • table-header-group, 1
  • 'table-header-group', 1
  • 'table-layout', 1
  • table-row, 1
  • 'table-row', 1
  • table-row-group, 1
  • 'table-row-group', 1
  • tables, 1
  • 'tactile' media group, 1
  • 'text-align', 1
  • 'text-decoration', 1
  • 'text-indent', 1
  • 'text-shadow', 1
  • 'text-transform', 1
  • text/css, 1
  • <time>, 1
    • definition of, 1
  • tokenizer, 1
  • <top>
    • definition of, 1
  • 'top', 1
  • 'topline' (descriptor), 1
  • type selector, 1


  • UA, 1
  • unicameral, 1, 2
    • definition of, 1
  • unicode, 1
  • 'unicode-bidi', 1
  • 'unicode-range' (descriptor), 1
  • Uniform Resource Locator (URL), 1
  • Uniform Resource Name (URN), 1
  • 'units-per-em' (descriptor), 1
  • universal selector, 1
  • upper-latin, 1
  • upper-roman, 1
  • <urange>
    • definition of, 1
  • URI (Uniform Resource Identifier), 1
  • <uri>, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6
    • definition of, 1
  • URL (Uniform Resource Locator), 1
  • URN (Uniform Resource Name), 1
  • user agent, 1


  • valid style sheet, 1
  • value, 1
  • vertical margin, 1
  • 'vertical-align', 1
  • viewport, 1
  • 'visibility', 1
  • visited (pseudo-class), 1, 2
  • visual formatting model, 1
  • 'visual' media group, 1
  • 'voice-family', 1
  • volume, 1
  • 'volume', 1


  • 'white-space', 1
  • 'widows', 1
  • 'width', 1
  • 'widths' (descriptor), 1
  • 'word-spacing', 1


  • x-height, 1
  • 'x-height' (descriptor), 1


  • 'z-index', 1

<Descriptor index
^ContentsLast updated: Tue, 29 Aug 2006