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Last updated: Tue, 19 Sep 2006



db2_connect --  Returns a connection to a database


resource db2_connect ( string database, string username, string password [, array options] )

Creates a new connection to an IBM DB2 Universal Database, IBM Cloudscape, or Apache Derby database.



For a cataloged connection to a database, database represents the database alias in the DB2 client catalog.

For an uncataloged connection to a database, database represents a complete connection string in the following format: DRIVER={IBM DB2 ODBC DRIVER};DATABASE=database;HOSTNAME=hostname;PORT=port;PROTOCOL=TCPIP;UID=username;PWD=password; where the parameters represent the following values:


The name of the database.


The hostname or IP address of the database server.


The TCP/IP port on which the database is listening for requests.


The username with which you are connecting to the database.


The password with which you are connecting to the database.


The username with which you are connecting to the database.

For uncataloged connections, you must pass a NULL value or empty string.


The password with which you are connecting to the database.

For uncataloged connections, you must pass a NULL value or empty string.


An associative array of connection options that affect the behavior of the connection, where valid array keys include:


Passing the DB2_AUTOCOMMIT_ON value turns autocommit on for this connection handle.

Passing the DB2_AUTOCOMMIT_OFF value turns autocommit off for this connection handle.


Passing the DB2_CASE_NATURAL value specifies that column names are returned in natural case.

Passing the DB2_CASE_LOWER value specifies that column names are returned in lower case.

Passing the DB2_CASE_UPPER value specifies that column names are returned in upper case.


Passing the DB2_FORWARD_ONLY value specifies a forward-only cursor for a statement resource. This is the default cursor type and is supported on all database servers.

Passing the DB2_SCROLLABLE value specifies a scrollable cursor for a statement resource. This mode enables random access to rows in a result set, but currently is supported only by IBM DB2 Universal Database.

Return Values

Returns a connection handle resource if the connection attempt is successful. If the connection attempt fails, db2_connect() returns FALSE.


Example 1. Creating a cataloged connection

Cataloged connections require you to have previously cataloged the target database through the DB2 Command Line Processor (CLP) or DB2 Configuration Assistant.

$database = 'SAMPLE';
$user = 'db2inst1';
$password = 'ibmdb2';

$conn = db2_connect($database, $user, $password);

if ($conn) {
    echo "Connection succeeded.";
else {
    echo "Connection failed.";

The above example will output:

Connection succeeded.

Example 2. Creating an uncataloged connection

An uncataloged connection enables you to dynamically connect to a database.

$database = 'SAMPLE';
$user = 'db2inst1';
$password = 'ibmdb2';
$hostname = 'localhost';
$port = 50000;

$conn_string = "DRIVER={IBM DB2 ODBC DRIVER};DATABASE=$database;" .
$conn = db2_connect($conn_string, '', '');

if ($conn) {
    echo "Connection succeeded.";
else {
    echo "Connection failed.";

The above example will output:

Connection succeeded.

Example 3. Creating a connection with autocommit off by default

Passing an array of options to db2_connect() enables you to modify the default behavior of the connection handle.

$database = 'SAMPLE';
$user = 'db2inst1';
$password = 'ibmdb2';
$options = array('autocommit' => DB2_AUTOCOMMIT_OFF);

$conn = db2_connect($database, $user, $password, $options);

if ($conn) {
    echo "Connection succeeded.\n";
    if (db2_autocommit($conn)) {
         echo "Autocommit is on.\n";
    else {
         echo "Autocommit is off.\n";
else {
    echo "Connection failed.";

The above example will output:

Connection succeeded.
Autocommit is off.

Last updated: Tue, 19 Sep 2006