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Last updated: Tue, 19 Sep 2006



db2_execute --  Executes a prepared SQL statement


bool db2_execute ( resource stmt [, array parameters] )

db2_execute() executes an SQL statement that was prepared by db2_prepare().

If the SQL statement returns a result set, for example, a SELECT statement or a CALL to a stored procedure that returns one or more result sets, you can retrieve a row as an array from the stmt resource using db2_fetch_assoc(), db2_fetch_both(), or db2_fetch_array(). Alternatively, you can use db2_fetch_row() to move the result set pointer to the next row and fetch a column at a time from that row with db2_result().

Refer to db2_prepare() for a brief discussion of the advantages of using db2_prepare() and db2_execute() rather than db2_exec().



A prepared statement returned from db2_prepare().


An array of input parameters matching any parameter markers contained in the prepared statement.

Return Values

Returns TRUE on success or FALSE on failure.


Example 1. Preparing and executing an SQL statement with parameter markers

The following example prepares an INSERT statement that accepts four parameter markers, then iterates over an array of arrays containing the input values to be passed to db2_execute().

$pet = array(0, 'cat', 'Pook', 3.2);

$insert = 'INSERT INTO animals (id, breed, name, weight)
    VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?)';

$stmt = db2_prepare($conn, $insert);
if ($stmt) {
    $result = db2_execute($stmt, $pet);
    if ($result) {
        print "Successfully added new pet.";

The above example will output:

Successfully added new pet.

Example 2. Calling a stored procedure with an OUT parameter

The following example prepares a CALL statement that accepts one parameter marker representing an OUT parameter, binds the PHP variable $my_pets to the parameter using db2_bind_param(), then issues db2_execute() to execute the CALL statement. After the CALL to the stored procedure has been made, the value of $num_pets changes to reflect the value returned by the stored procedure for that OUT parameter.

$num_pets = 0;
$res = db2_prepare($conn, "CALL count_my_pets(?)");
$rc = db2_bind_param($res, 1, "num_pets", DB2_PARAM_OUT);
$rc = db2_execute($res);
print "I have $num_pets pets!";

The above example will output:

I have 7 pets!

Last updated: Tue, 19 Sep 2006